Binary Elysium

Hey there! My name is Casey. I'm a software developer, nomad, language lover, and coffee fiend.

A Reluctant Relationship: Yubikey and Google Authentication

13 December 2011

Want the yubikey+google 2-factor authentication solution? Skip to the good stuff.

Passwords rule our lives on the Internet; they are the foundation of identity management. When a website or service wants to know who you are, you prove you are you with your username and password. However, passwords aren’t the fundamental piece of this identity management system.

What happens when you lose your password? We’ve all been through this jig before. The website usually sends an email to you with a link or instructions on how to reset your password. By proving you have access to your email, you are effectively proving you are you.

Then, your email account is the lowest common denominator; with access to your email account (nearly) all your other accounts can be accessed. If you use a completely unique passwords for each service (and store them in a password manager like Keepass or Lastpass), then access to your email account is even more attractive. Therefore, the importance of securing your email account cannot be overstated.

When it comes to securing your email Google’s 2-factor authentication is pretty awesome. Even though there are still some important flaws one should be aware of, it can significantly increase the security of your Google or Google Apps account.

For me there is one major drawback to Google’s 2-factor offering: it requires a cellphone to be useful. This is a drawback for several reasons.

First, your smartphone isn’t as secure as we would like. Mobile malware is on the rise–particularly if you have an Android phone–and if I was a malware writer I would be targeting 2-factor authentication apps like Google’s.

The second drawback most people won’t identify with: I don’t want to carry a smartphone with me! I travel. A lot. In fact, I travel by bike. When traveling by bike, minimizing weight is important followed closely by minimizing the value of my equipment (shiny stuff gets broken or stolen), and smartphones are heavy and expensive. So, I carry a tiny and cheap $30 cellphone and swap sim cards as I enter new countries.

How then can I retain the benefit of Google’s 2-factor authentication, while ditching the phone? I could generate OTPs through Google and write them down, which I have been doing for awhile, but that is a huge PITA.

Enter the Yubikey. The Yubikey is a tiny usb device that produces One-Time Passwords and appears to the OS as a USB keyboard making it work on all platforms. The Yubikey can hold two identities that can be configured according to four different options (Yubico OTP, OATH, static, challenge-response).

A Yubikey seems like the perfect lightweight, secure replacement for OTP generation, how then could I use it with Google’s 2-factor authentication?

Finding common ground: OATH-TOTP

Originally, I imagined some system that stored your Google 2-factor auth secret, and allowed you to auth with your Yubico OTP. Such a system would not be ideal, because wherever that system lived so would live your google secret. We want to be sure wherever the secret is stored is secure.

As it turns out Google’s 2-factor authenticator is an implementation of the OATH-TOTP protocol, a system for generating one-time passwords via a HMAC-SHA1 hash using the current time as input.

The Yubikey also happens to support the OATH-HOTP protocol (of which TOTP is a variant), so we should be able to configure the Yubikey to generate OATH-HOTP OTPs somehow. Unfortunately, the Yubikey is battery-less, so it is unable to store the current time.

All is not lost, for the Yubikey’s fourth configuration option is a challenge-response configuration. This allows a client-side application to send a challenge to the Yubikey, which the Yubikey uses as input to generate a HMAC-SHA1 hash that becomes the response. This is exactly the cryptographic hashed used by OATH-TOTP and hence Google’s 2-factor auth.

Around the same time I figured all this out, Yubico posted the same explanation I just gave, along with a Windows client-side application that used the challenge-response method described to enable Google authentication with a Yubikey. Huzzah!

YubiTOTP for Linux

It took awhile, but a friend and I eventually got around to implementing a similar client-side helper application for Linux.

The implementation is fairly simple (if not pretty). A challenge is generated based on the current time, sent to the yubikey using the ykchalresp utility, and then the HMAC-SHA1 hash is mangled according to the HOTP specification to produce a 6 digit code.

Before you can use the tool, you must configure your Yubikey, but then generating OTPs from your Yubikey is as simple as: $ ./

The tool can also be used to generate OTPs without a Yubikey (using the –generate flag), but you must enter the secret on every invocation.

Grab the tool and instructions over at the github repo.

Not Perfect

We now have a way to generate OTPs for Google’s 2-factor authentication without a phone; however, this isn’t the perfect solution. Generating a TOTP requires the current time, so the Yubikey must be told the current time which stipulates the use of a client-side helper application.

So, using this method you can only use your Yubikey where you are able to run my helper app (or the windows version from Yubico). I often find myself in Internet cafes or other public terminals, where running a python script isn’t feasible.

As of yet I do not have a working solution. It would be fantastic if Google would natively support the Yubikey, but in the meantime we’ll have to be satsfied with innovative hacks.

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